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The Four Questions to Ask When Buying Church Supplies

by:Ascend      2020-07-03
Most people never think about church supplies when they are starting a church. They think about the pastors and the staff. You might wonder where the church buys the Bibles that sit in the back of the pews, but only pastors and church secretaries think about things like offering envelopes. There are many administrative duties related to running a church, and this doesn't include the time that pastors should spend in ministry too. Here are four questions you should be asking yourself as you purchase church supplies for your church: What do my Sunday school teachers need? Your Sunday school teachers probably have lots of needs. Give them a call and see what supplies they would like to have in the classroom. They may need items to place on the bulletin board. Dry erase markers are common needs in classrooms with dry erase boards. If you have chalkboards in the classroom, the teachers may need chalk. For the kids in elementary school, the teachers may need craft supplies, pens and pencils, glue, scissors, and various other supplies. Most important, all of the Sunday school classes should be stocked with Bibles. Never assume that the kids coming to Sunday school will have a Bible with them. In all likelihood, some kids won't bring their Bible to church. If a classroom is specifically designated as a kid's classroom for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, then you can stock the room with Bibles for kids. Another important aspect of Sunday morning services is the copy machine. Sunday school teachers often spend time making copies of lessons and other materials on Sunday morning, so you need to make sure the copy machine is working properly. Do have enough paper for the copier? Make sure there is still plenty of toner in the copy machine too! You may not think about the copy machine when you are buying church supplies, but there is nothing more frustrating than a copier that is out of order! What items are needed in the sound booth? In most cases, the people who run sound at the church won't have any ongoing needs, but they may need batteries for the wireless microphones. Check and make sure everything is working well with the sound equipment. Do we have enough cleaning supplies for the cleaning crew? This is probably something that most members never think about. If you have a large church, there is much more maintenance to keep the building clean. Check with the people who clean your church to see if they need any cleaning supplies. Make sure that the vacuum cleaner is working well, and if it uses bags, make sure to have plenty of replacement bags too. Vacuum cleaner bags can be considered church supplies too! Do you have everything you need for Holy Communion? Communion supplies are an integrate part of the Sunday morning service. I don't need to tell you this! Make sure you always have plenty of communion supplies on hand. You will want to have communion wafers, communion trays, communion juice, and other supplies too. There are many places where you can buy church supplies for churches. You can buy cleaning supplies, printer cartridges, and batteries at your local store, but you will want to get your church supplies at a reputable dealer that specializes in church items.
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