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Retrofitting Your Inkjet Printer

by:Ascend      2020-07-09
If you're just starting out your small business then you're probably like most entrepreneurs who are trying to make the most out of whatever little they have. It's normal to see business owners being cautious in dispensing the company budget, it could be outsourcing jobs on certain parts of their firm, it could be cost cutting on matertials or it could even be retrofitting their printers with bulk ink or continuous ink system (CIS). The bulk ink system is an aftermarket modification for your printer that allows for a much larger delivery method onto the printer head, which is also very practical and saves you a lot of money. How does a bulk ink system work? Normally a printer's ink is built into the unit itself and its contents are usually less than a hundred milliliters, which are packed in clusters of 3 primary colors in cartridges (red, blue, yellow) and the neutral color black. This design is inefficient and costly compared to a bulk ink system, because the ink cartridges are placed outside the printer and they can be refilled at any time. The catridges are directly connected to the printer head by a small hose where the ink is pumped via neumatic delivery system. The result is an almost unlimitted supply of ink that will allow you to print hundreds or thousnds of pages. Benefits in using the bulk in system For businesses this means that business owners will save thousands of dollars on printing by simply incorporating the bulk ink system into their printers. While regular household users can print their novel drafts, files, post cards and many more. Having the bulk ink system also saves you time in having to buy new cartridges and installing them when you can just pour ink into the bulk ink containers and continue printing afterwards, which shouldn't take you more than five minutes. Your term paper or your business files that are due immediately will printed instantly, this means no system downtime for your business and your A+ grades is so well deserved. Whatever printing needs that you may have the bulk ink system is the right tool for you. The practicality and cost-effectiveness of the bulk ink system makes it the ideal choice of most businesses and ordinary household users alike. Manufacturers did not like what the aftermarket people did with the bulk ink system being integrated into their patented devices, in fact there even came a time when the manufacturers took legal actions against entities who are into the bulk ink business. However, the manufacturers soon realized that the bulk ink system is what customers want in their printers.
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