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Hydrographic Printing - An Easy Way to Personalize Things

by:Ascend      2020-08-27
Many of us love the idea of adding personality to the things we own. Many of us like to personalize different items, especially plates, mugs, clocks, and even drinking glasses. We can choose from several different ways to personalize objects but more and more people are starting to prefer doing this through water transfer or hydrographic printing. This method of transfer printing has already been around for several years but it has only been the past few years when more and more people have started to give more attention to it. Among the many reasons for these are: this process of transferring designs on objects is quite easy to achieve and it does not require much effort. Yes, it is always possible for you to place designs on objects through hydrographic printing right in the comfort of your own home. You simply need to gather the materials that you will need for hydrographic printing: water release decals, a small dish of water, a pair of scissors, cotton swabs, paper towels, setting solution, and some clear gloss. To start, you will need to cut out the design of your choice from the decal paper if you have printed the decal at home. Then, you will need to place the decal on a dish and soak it in water for no more than 10 seconds. After which, you will need to take the decal from the water and set it face up on a paper towel. After about a minute, you will start to notice that the design on the decal paper is already starting to slide around. Once this happens, you can already start to dampen the edges of the decal with a cotton swab before you lift the design from its paper backing. Now you are ready to apply the decal on the item that you wish to personalize. You can use a swab of cotton to neatly place the decal on an object. Use a paper towel to remove excess water from the design and when you do, see to it that you only dab it gently. Use a setting solution to help reduce the appearance of obvious edges on the design. Allow the design to dry out completely and after which, apply a good coat of clear gloss to make it last longer. You see, it is quite easy to do hydrographic printing at home. You simply need to gather all the materials you need and you can already start breezing through the entire process.
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