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Dell Printer Cartridges - Minimize Your Home's

by:Ascend      2020-09-19
There are tons and tons of Dell printer cartridges that end up in landfills and the problem of which is that they do not decompose. Built up printer ink cartridges could release toxic substances into the environment. This is very sad considering that they can be refilled and reused properly. By reusing and refilling these plastic cartridges, energy and resources are significantly reduced as well as the conservation of aluminum and steel. Most importantly, recycling old ink cartridges conserves oil, which is a non-renewable source of energy. Hence, a number of ink and printer manufacturers have come up with their own programs to encourage their users to send cartridges back for reuse or refill. One of these companies is Dell. The impacts of such program to the company and to the customers are as follows: It takes three pounds of resources to make one new ink cartridge. So if companies are successful in collecting used ink cartridges for recycling, imagine how many pounds of resources they can save. Remanufactured cartridges are not only cheaper but they also guarantee quality prints like new cartridges. So if you are looking to save some money on ink without sacrificing the printing quality, buy remanufactured ink cartridges like Dell printer cartridges. A good number of companies provide free packaging and postage for recycling your old ink cartridges. Lastly, you are reducing your carbon footprint by taking the first step toward the greener option. How do you know if your company has a recycling program in place? You will know if the company where your buying ink from has a recycling program in place if you find instructions printed on the box on how to recycle your old one. If instructions are not provided, you can call your preferred company via their toll free number or you can log on to their website. One of the best companies that offer this, of course, is Dell. Log on to their website to learn more about their recycling program. How do you take advantage of the Dell printer cartridges recycling program? If you have Dell toner and printer cartridges that you want recycled, follow the following steps: Pack the Dell printer cartridges that you want recycled in the same box that was used for your new cartridges. Then log on to the dell website to get your waybill. All you have to is to click on the button 'Recycle Now', enter your service tag number and then complete the online waybill form. Once done, you just have to print out the acknowledgement receipt with the waybill number on it then affix it to the ink cartridge box. Once done, you can either call FedEx to pick up your package or drop it off at the nearest location. Be reminded that you don't have to pay for the any or even a portion of the shipping fee. If you have been whining about the effects of global warming and pollution, there's something that you can do to help. By sending your used Dell printer cartridges for recycling, you are reducing your home's carbon footprint and help save the environment. And the best part of it is, you don't have to spend even a cent to do your part.
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