
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

What should I do once I receive ricoh transfer belt imperfections?
We take pride in our products, and we ensure you ricoh transfer belt receives serious QC test before shipping. Yet if the last thing we expect happened, we will either refund you or send you the replacement after we receive the returned damaged item. Here we always promise to bring you the best quality products in a timely and efficient manner. Don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service if any issue occurred.
Ascend  Array image122
Founded years ago, Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd is a supplier of toshiba fuser cleaning web that focuses solely on product development and manufacturing for global markets. Ascend is mainly engaged in the business of konica minolta fuser film and other product series. This product provides incredible longevity and low-maintenance performance. It can effectively increase printing efficiency and minimize downtime. The use of this product makes the work of the laborer become much easier and faster. It is an excellent assistant to the operators. With strong hardness, it is not likely to break during the printing.

We are designing and implementing innovative solutions to take on environments. We constantly protect our natural resources and reduce production waste.

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