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What's the Future for Printed Press?

by:Ascend      2020-09-06
Right from its beginnings in the rudimentary versions of the manual press to the latest inkjet, laser and digital printers, printed content has served to present daily happenings and events to the public. However, today, printed press across the world are undergoing a tough time mainly because of the competition from the widely popular online media and the advent of free-publications and newspapers that offer the public the very same information absolutely free of cost. Does this simply mean that the days of the conventional printed press are numbered? It may not really be the case as the future of the printed press wholly depends on the innovative concepts and technology adopted by its patrons and promoters to achieve a fine balance between conventional and contemporary processes associated with the print medium. Virtual Vs Real The internet today serves as a vast store of free information accessible from anywhere across the world. News traverses geographic boundaries at relatively lower or no costs when compared to conventional print media that literally soaks tons of money on infrastructure, stationery and staff, not to mention costs involved in keeping pace with new generations of printers and their paraphernalia including expensive refill ink cartridges. The new online medium serves to expose journalists and the publication industry in general to new presentation formats that help to enrich content. Social networks and blogs have contributed in their own unique way to improve journalism. Another interesting aspect of accessing news online is the fact that the reader can easily move from one related news item to another, and access other important references almost instantly to get a complete picture of a given situation. Paid Vs Free Editions Although opting for unlimited free space on the internet that offers a much wider reach at lesser costs may be a tempting alternative, it may not really serve to make sufficient money out of the business. Journalists and writers may gain instant popularity, however the reach is still limited to the tech-savvy readers and well-connected regions of the world. Why would readers pay money on a daily basis to get access to information that is available freely both on the internet as well as the free printed editions of news? Popularity and Revenue There are few newspapers that require a subscription to access their online content too. Free editions as well as online versions need not necessarily mean loss of revenue, because the publishers can still keep the money coming in by means of creative advertisement ideas, and still keep the readers engaged. There are still quite a few readers out there who prefer quality news that has been filtered and presented by trained professionals rather than access a vast free resource of unlimited news. Quality of journalism and crisp content still serve to capture the attention of time-conscious readers, irrespective of the medium in which it is presented. Technology advancements, evolution of mobile devices, popularity of online content are here to stay - so are the age-old preferences of ardent readers looking for a physical copy of quality content from professional journalists. Battling with latest printing technologies and equipment, maintaining inkjet and other printers, print heads and optimizing use of refill ink cartridges are all part of the printed press industry, which may still go strong despite other competing media.
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