The raw materials for canon fuser film have relevance to its unique production technique. It can not be published here. We make a promise that the quality and source of raw materials are all dependable. We've established long-term relationships with numerous raw material providers. Assessing the quality of raw materials is equally as important as controlling the quality of completed products.

Since the founding, Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd has made huge efforts and investments on improving toshiba fuser cleaning web. Now, we are reputable for high quality in the market. The primary charge roller series is one of the main products of Ascend. The product features great hardness. It can withstand a certain amount of impacts and shocks without generating cracks on the surface. The images printed using this product are resistant to chemicals, wear, smudging, and moisture. Any feasible suggestions for Ascend will be warmly welcomed and we will also seriously consider them. The abrasion resistance guarantees its consistent print quality.
There are two important points that are central to our business activity: Meet the requirements of the regulations and control the environmental risks. Strive for continual improvement of environmental accomplishments. Welcome to visit our factory!