
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

How to install canon fuser film sleeve ?
The installation of fuser film sleeve proves to be easy and feasible for most people. We will provide the necessary spare parts and installation instructions for customers. The instructions are written in Chinese and English, as our product is supplied to both domestic and foreign markets. There will be a summary and photos clearly printed on the pages, which are easy to read for customers. Besides, we will have sales personnel to answer questions about the operation and installation. Please don't hesitate to contact us.

Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd now is growing rapidly both at home and abroad. konica minolta transfer belt is the main product of Ascend. It is diverse in variety. Because of printer consumables and printer consumables , our copier parts have been highly favored of the majority of customers. Using this product will effectively reduce the pinhole phenomenon in printing. The product is of reliable quality as it is produced and tested based on the requirements of widely-recognized quality standards. Its high-quality materials can make the toner be fully absorbed in the paper.

The brand positioning of the Ascend brand is to enable each employee to serve customers with professional skills. Get info!
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