
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

How many new products are launched under branded hp fuser film?
New product launch is one of the most important factors that keep a company competitive in the market. Over the years, our R&D professionals have been studying intensively the industry dynamics, developing new product characteristics, and working out different series of up-to-date products like hp fuser film. Thanks to their hard work, we are successful in developing new products and earn a leading position in the market. Moreover, we have attracted many new customers from different industries and obtained a larger customer base, thereby spreading our brand awareness.
Ascend  Array image69
Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd has become one of the global top manufactures, providing high quality ricoh fuser film sleeve for customers from all over the world. ricoh cleaning web produced by Ascend is very popular in the market. Its quality competitiveness index has kept stabilized over the years. The product resists abrasion caused by the toner, temperature fluctuation, and paper. We heard back from our customers who had this product to say: it's amazing because it withstands really strong wind with ease! The product comes with a full series for different models of copier and printers.

We endeavor to do our part in our company. We take into account our social and environmental obligations to the local communities around our plant.

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