
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

How many brands are marketed by Ascend?
Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd provides more than simply products and service; we boast an outstanding resume in attracting our personal sector. As a small company, We're competing against large brands with dedicated customers and boundless marketing and advertising budgets. We construct our own brand -Ascend to get out there and allow our company to be seen and noticed. Our firm has attained long-term development in the past several decades. And our very own brands have helped to expand our worldwide appeal as a small organization.

Ascend is one of those competitive companies in the field of fuser film sleeve. transfer kit is the main product of Ascend. It is diverse in variety. With carefully selected materials, our toshiba fuser cleaning web have received much fame until now. Its high-quality materials can make the toner be fully absorbed in the paper. It is absolutely a must-have appliance for manufacturers. It is easy to maintain, saving them lots of endeavors on maintaining jobs. Using this product will effectively reduce the pinhole phenomenon in printing.

Our ultimate aim is to become a worldwide competitive fixing film canon exporter. Call now!
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