How can I visit Ascend factory?
You can search the address from our website and arrive t the exact destination via the navigation system. The route to the Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd factory will be clearly displayed on the system. If you plan to visit our factory, you can contact our staff in advance. They are willing to see you at the airport. We sincerely welcome you to visit us and try our elaborately-made canon fuser film,.

Ascend engages in the development, manufacture, sale of clean fuser roller and related products for many years in China market. The copier parts suppliers series is one of the main products of Ascend. Ascend has gained praises from home and abroad for its xerox fuser fixing film that fully shows in xerox fuser film. The product has good tear strength, not being damaged by high-pressure printing condition. If you are not sure about quality, we can send free samples of fuser assembly. Using this product will effectively reduce the pinhole phenomenon in printing.
We have always been a pioneer in environmental issues. We have a comprehensive environmental program including production, distribution, and recycling. Ask!

Ascend engages in the development, manufacture, sale of clean fuser roller and related products for many years in China market. The copier parts suppliers series is one of the main products of Ascend. Ascend has gained praises from home and abroad for its xerox fuser fixing film that fully shows in xerox fuser film. The product has good tear strength, not being damaged by high-pressure printing condition. If you are not sure about quality, we can send free samples of fuser assembly. Using this product will effectively reduce the pinhole phenomenon in printing.
We have always been a pioneer in environmental issues. We have a comprehensive environmental program including production, distribution, and recycling. Ask!
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