
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

Does Ascend have agents in foreign countries?
In order to introduce our cleaning web roller and services to more customers, Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd has been committed to establishing agents/offices at export destinations. The way we approach new marketing and selling products has brought improvements to our business. We have increased our ability to compete domestically and internationally.
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As a big manufacturer of samsung transfer belt, Ascend has won its competitiveness in its industry. Ascend's main products include fuser film sleeve series. The product has never let customers down in term of performance and durability. Images printed by this product has strong colorfastness. The product produces little infrared light and closes to no UV emissions. Because of this, it is highly perfect for users to apply it to UV-sensitive objects. The images printed using this product are resistant to chemicals, wear, smudging, and moisture.

Ascend is dedicated to becoming a comprehensive toshiba transfer belt supplier with international influence. Inquire!

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