
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

Can I get any discount on canon fixing film in my first order?
In most cases, the discounted price offered to customers depends on order quantity of fixing film . Processed from high quality raw materials at an affordable price and designed by our own professional engineers, the product is surely to be guaranteed with great performance and competitive price. With advanced technology and complete machines, we can guarantee bulk production as well as offering a discounted price on larger orders.

Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd now is growing rapidly both at home and abroad. fuser film sleeve samsung is the main product of Ascend. It is diverse in variety. The surface of the fuser film grease is durable and easy-to-clean. The images printed using this product are resistant to chemicals, wear, smudging, and moisture. Effective QC system is carried out through the production of the product to ensure the consistent quality. It has a smooth inner side with no small dots, bumps, or scratch.

Due to the positive basic principles, Ascend aims to be an efficient paper pickup roller manufacturer. Please contact.
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