
Professional Manufacturer of Copier And Printer Parts & Accessories since 1998.

Any suppliers selling canon transfer belt at ex-works price?
Generally, most all the suppliers selling canon transfer belt at ex-works prices to meet customers' demands for different business terms. Under the terms of EXW, the suppliers of the product are only required to safely package the goods, label them appropriately and deliver them to a previously agreed-upon location, such as the suppliers' nearest port. The suppliers do not bear any charge for transportation, allowing customers to control the shipment to maximize the operational value. Customers should have a clear understanding and enough resources to adopt the terms in case of any accidents.
Ascend  Array image27
Foshan Ascend Technology Co. Ltd has made an outstanding achievement in web roller for xerox industry. ricoh fuser film produced by Ascend is very popular in the market. If you can provide drawing for copier parts suppliers, Ascend can design and develop for you based on your requirements. Its high-quality materials can make the toner be fully absorbed in the paper. Ascend pays continuous and in-depth attention to customer needs. It can enhance adhesion fastness of the toners on the surface of the paper.

we serves customers, understand their needs, and strive to meet those needs. Please contact us!

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