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Add Your Personal Touch To Your DVD Cases!

by:Ascend      2020-09-21
Have you ever thought about the idea of creating customized covers for you DVD cases? This is not only useful when it comes to managing and arranging your own collection of DVDs or CDs but it also has decorative purposes. Or perhaps you want to send a copy of your wedding video to your friends and relatives and add your own personal touch to the DVDs. There are many reasons why would you create personalized covers and it is not a very time-consuming process at all. Additionally, imagine having a shelf full of DVDs that store videos from your holidays spent together with the family and different unique moments, such as your son's birthday and so on. You can use your imagination in order to create a picture that fully features that moment and adds it importance. It can help you categorize the videos and split them on years and so on. Perhaps at one moment in your life, you will want to show to your kid how it looked like when he made his first steps and the video alongside with the cover are perfect for this purposes. Many companies sell DVDs, CDs and Blu-ray discs that can store your information, whether it is video, audio or documents. You can purchase a lot of DVDs and create your own collection of movies or if you are a professional video recorder, you can create unique designs for the covers of the DVDs that feature videos from holidays or parties. Such companies also sell blank DVD cases that protect your DVDs. Now, when you have the cases and the DVDs, all that you have to do is to design appealing and attractive covers to impress your friends or customers. You can start by creating a document in a photo editing software, such as Photoshop. Measure the size of the DVD cases and adjust the Photoshop document's sizes accordingly. You can start creating a new image from scratch or use a template and add your own personal modifications to make it unique. As a tip, you can emphasize the chapters of the video or add a note regarding the most exciting moments. Be as creative as you can and try to make the picture look as interesting as possible while keeping it simple and attractive. Once the document is done, you can save it and use your own printer to create the images. If your printer is not professional enough, you can send the document to a professional print shop in order to create the covers. Once received back, you can add them to the DVD cases and create a unique package that definitely catches the eye. The idea is that you offer a quality product, whether you sell it or offer as gift to friends. The DVD itself, the case and the cover will create a great effect that emphasizes the great moments recorded. If you usually record videos and sell them to various customers, this is a great way of preserving a constant clientele. It can be viewed as your own business card that promotes professionalism and experience!
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